Brand Core
Out Three Basics
和 I 美 I 易

KIWAMIYA亭 メンバーのご紹介
少しでも多くの皆様にSMOKER-Xを体験 いただけたら、とても嬉しく思います!
皆様のプロジェクトへのご参加を心より お待ちしております。

世界最大のクラウドファンディング Kickstarterにおいて、そのデザイン性の高さ、機能性の高さから、燻製の本場アメリカをはじめ、62カ国のお客様からご予約をいただきました。
Brand Core
Out Three Basics
和 I 美 I 易
"和-wa" = Harmony
Maximizing the Charm of "Wa" from Japan to the World
At KIWAMIYATEI, we do not only sell cooking utensils, but we also provide our customers with ingredients that match our utensils in order to convey the deliciousness of Japanese cuisine. This is because we want to spread Japanese culinary culture itself by continuously providing food to our customers, rather than simply selling them utensils and ending our relationship there.
"美-bi" = Beauty
Pursuing Beauty to Foster Customer Attachment to Our Products
As cooking utensils are something that people use on a daily basis, KIWAMIYATEI believes that they must be something that people can develop an attachment to. We consider "beauty" to be one of the elements that can foster attachment, so we pay attention to every detail in the finishing of our products. Although our meticulous craftsmanship may seem crazy at first glance, it is a necessary process because we want our customers to use our products for a long time.
"易-eki" = Ease
Ease of Use as a Definite Requirement
No matter how great a product's functionality may be, if it is difficult or complicated to use, people's motivation to use it will decrease. KIWAMIYATEI plans to focus more on providing recipes in the future, but this is not simply a matter of selling them and ending our relationship with the customer. We have a philosophy that we want people to continue using our products. Additionally, another important point is that ease of cleaning after use is extremely important for cooking utensils. If it is difficult to clean, people are less likely to use it, so KIWAMIYA's products not only prioritize enjoyment, but also the "ease" of use.