Smoked Shishamo Smelt

Smoked Shishamo Smelt

Recipe 1: Smoked  shishamo smelt

Type of Smoking: Recommended Warm Smoking

Temperature: Moderate Indirect Heat When smoking shishamo smelt, using high temperatures can risk drying them out. We recommend employing moderate indirect heat, usually around 70 to 80 degrees Celsius. Specific settings may vary based on your smoker.

Time: Approximately 20-30 minutes While the smoking time depends on the size and thickness of the shishamo smelt, a general guideline is 20 to 30 minutes. Keep in mind that the shishamo smelt's exposure to smoke imparts its flavor during this time. Avoid over-smoking to maintain the best results.


  • shishamo smelt
  • Smoking Chips (Opt for fruity wood chips for enhanced flavor)


  1. Begin by thoroughly cleaning the shishamo smelt and patting them dry.
  2. If using a smoker, soak the smoking chips in water for a while before draining excess moisture. This prolongs their burning time.
  3. Preheat the smoker with indirect moderate heat by igniting the fire.
  4. Place the  shishamo smelt onto the smoker's rack and close the lid for smoking. Since warm smoking requires low temperature and extended time, adjust fire intensity and duration. Generally, aim for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Once smoking is complete, carefully remove the smoked  shishamo smelt and present them on a plate for your indulgence.

Recommended Smoking Chips for shishamo smelt:

  • Oak: Provides a balanced flavor with moderate smokiness.
  • Applewood: Infuses a fruity and sweet aroma, complementing the shishamo smelt's taste.
  • Cherrywood: Offers a gentle sweetness and subtle smokiness, imparting a delicate flavor to the shishamo smelt.

Recipe 2: Japanese-style Smoked  shishamo smelt Pasta


  • Smoked  shishamo smelt (desired amount)
  • Spaghetti (sufficient for 2 servings)
  • Green onions (finely chopped)
  • Soy sauce (2 tablespoons)
  • Mirin (1 tablespoon)
  • Sake (1 tablespoon)
  • Sugar (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Sesame oil (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Sesame seeds (desired amount)


  1. Cook spaghetti according to the displayed time, drain in a colander to remove excess water.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix soy sauce, mirin, sake, sugar, and sesame oil.
  3. Cut the smoked  shishamo smelt into appropriate sizes.
  4. Heat sesame oil in a frying pan, sauté green onions.
  5. Add the sliced smoked  shishamo smelt to the sautéed green onions and continue to cook for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Pour the prepared sauce into the pan and mix well.
  7. Add the boiled spaghetti and toss to combine.
  8. Plate the dish, sprinkle sesame seeds, and your Japanese-style smoked  shishamo smelt pasta is ready to enjoy.

Recipe 3: Cream Cheese Rolls with Smoked  shishamo smelt


  • Smoked  shishamo smelt (desired amount)
  • Cream cheese (desired amount)
  • Parsley (finely chopped)
  • Black pepper (desired amount)


  1. Cut the smoked  shishamo smelt into suitable sizes.
  2. Place cream cheese on plastic wrap, sprinkle chopped parsley and a dash of black pepper.
  3. Arrange smoked  shishamo smelt on top of the cream cheese, then roll using the plastic wrap.
  4. Refrigerate for about an hour to maintain the rolled shape.
  5. Unwrap and slice to your preferred thickness. Savor the harmonious pairing of the creaminess of cream cheese and the smoky flavor of the shishamo smelt.